Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Don't open it

I'm trialing Adobe LightRoom here. CraigD recently gave me a hands on demo, and it looks like I should take the leap, as this software is the business. You can download a free trial from Adobe.com.

Light and smoke - I've always been fascinated by the way light passes through smoke, but in trying to tame the light source, and get the camera in a position to see these light beams is quite a trick.

Obviously I'm working with a miniature set here, with Mr Woodman - and so you need to work with small lights. Here I'm using a small can with a halogen bulb, and the light you see is actually escaping from the rear of the housing. I had gelled the light at the base with red, but it came out very monochrome, so using LightRoom, I tweaked the highlights towards green, and backed off the overall saturation.
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1 comment:

  1. I've always called these rays "God Rays", but they have a real name.
